Piano Technical Work

The technicians are responsible for servicing your piano. They need to regulate the action, check on the condition of all the moving parts (there are quite a few in every piano), and maintain the hammer heads in good shape. This is skilled and often time-consuming work, and we recommend treating your piano to a service (which can be done in your home) every few years. Our prices for service depend on the amount of time involved and we can always provide a specific quotation when required.

Piano technical work

Traditional piano finishes can fade or get damaged, and even modern robust polyester finishes can suffer knocks. This need not be the end of your piano; our casework specialists can often carry out the repairs without even moving the instrument out of your home.

Italian Ambassadors Residence

We fitted new castors with PUR wheels to the grand piano in the Ambassador's Residence at the Italian Embassy in London, pictured here. This protects the beautiful floor from damage when the piano is moved.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any requests for technical work on a piano; we can keep your piano in good shape for longer!