Prices and Policies

Rooms may be reserved by phone or email; there is no online booking system. Once your booking is confirmed, a non-refundable deposit (normally 50%) is required and the balance is payable at or before the first session.

The rooms for all music uses are priced at an hourly rate of   

Room 1 - £15.00 plus VAT (you pay £18) - view room 1  

Room 2 - £32.50 plus VAT (you pay £39) - view room 2

Room 3 - £50.00 plus VAT (you pay £60) - view room 3

These rates include the unimpeded use of the room with piano, use of the waiting room and facilities. VAT is charged at the standard rate of 20%. The day rate for the panel screen is £60 plus VAT. Rates for commercial television filming start at an hourly rate of £75 plus VAT.


Our Budget Rehearsal Package is available for individuals who wish to rehearse regularly. For a special price of £90 (which includes VAT) customers may use Room 1 for 6 hours, which should be used within a six-week period. 6 hours in Room 2 is charged at £200 (also including VAT).

For customers looking for a room for Two Piano Work - we can accommodate this with two grand pianos and the cost is £32.50 plus VAT (you pay £39). Please ask us for details.

We can supply a Gift Voucher to any amount. Normally these are for specific hours in specific rooms. Just phone through your card details and we will post out a voucher to the lucky recipient (and a receipt to you!)

For Safety Reasons the room capacity numbers must not under any circumstances be exceeded and we ask customers to check carefully before booking with us. We are fully compliant with the statutory fire regulations and our fire policy must be respected; doorways, stairs and access through the showroom in particular must be kept clear at all times.

Our Cancellation Policy states that if for any reason a booking is cancelled the following charges are made: (a) with one week's notice 100% of hire charge; (b) with one month's notice 50% of hire charge; (c) with two months' notice 20% of hire charge.

Opening Times are Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm and Saturday 9am - 4pm, although other times are often available by appointment. Unfortunately, we cannot allow food or drinks (other than water) into the rooms, and any form of 'prepared piano' work is not possible.

Postal Address: 137A Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8TU
Telephone (from within UK): 020 7242 9865


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